Solar Homes Have


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The GROWTH of Residential
Solar Energy

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THE quintessential read on ROI (return on investment) for anyone considering residential Solar Power in Maryland:

Let's be real: we're living in the 21st century where
energy efficiency trends are becoming necessities.

As green builders, Finish Werks has installed solar PV arrays, both roof and ground-mounted, for years. Between 2011-2015 pricing has been cut roughly in half. We can now say with a straight face that if you finance solar PV with your home, the low mortgage payment + interest rate makes the power you generate cheaper than what you pay the utilities.

Yes: they pay for themselves Day One.

- Decreased electricity bill
- Secure financial investment with high return
- Increased income or pension + Increased value of home
- Contribution to a healthier environment with less CO2 emissions

Considering Leasing?... You should strongly consider giving up your roof to a fixed lease! Read this article on a problem trend in California